Silver Dry Wipes15740
Polish Silver Wipes
You can't go wrong with this piece for giving it as the perfect gift. Made from Hagerty Silversmiths' cloth with R-22 tarnish preventative this piece is specially treated to constantly trap tarnish-causing sulfur gases.

Item #: 9670502
None in stock.
17012 Silver Dip 12Oz
Make an impresssion by giving this pretty item as a gift to last a lifetime. Made from Hagerty Silversmiths' cloth with R-22 tarnish preventative this piece is specially treated to constantly trap tarnish-causing sulfur gases.

Item #: 9670506
23 in stock.

Click to enlarge
17245 Fltware Dip16.9
Flatware Silver Dip
This is a fantastic gift item that will be the talk of any gathering or party. Made from Hagerty Silversmiths' cloth with R-22 tarnish preventative this piece is specially treated to constantly trap tarnish-causing sulfur gases.

Item #: 9670507
3 in stock.

Click to enlarge
Ornament Protector.
Christmas Keepers
This is an exquiste gift item that will be the talk of any gathering or party. Made from Hagerty Silversmiths' cloth with R-22 tarnish preventative this piece is specially treated to constantly trap tarnish-causing sulfur gases.

Item #: 9670508
None in stock.
44Bkbk W/Nickel Hndl
Bristol Silver Chest
One Drawer 15'' x 11 1/4'' x 6'' *210 Pieces Stylish Satin Black Finish with Nickel Trim One of Our Very Best Values in Silver Chests

Item #: 9670514
None in stock.